Racism in medicine

The Empire’s Medical System Is Becoming Disturbingly Racist

As reported by Reason Magazine: “Older populations are whiter, ” Harald Schmidt, a professor of ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told The New York Times. “Society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already had more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.”

Why Progressives Should Support Peaceful Separation

At any moment, DC politicians can step up their enforcement and/or begin to punish states that flout their laws. The federal government takes billions of dollars from taxpayers in progressive states each year. They send the money back to the state governments, but only as long as they obey the wishes of DC elites. If the US government decides to stop sending that money back to any state that does not obey federal cannabis and immigration law to a tee, life would change drastically for around 50 million progressives overnight. 

Nine NH Legislators Submit Legislation To Divorce DC; Declare Independence

On Monday afternoon, New Hampshire Representative Mike Sylvia officially submitted language to the Office Of Legislative Services for a constitutional amendment concurrent resolution (CACR). If the amendment passes the House and Senate with 60% of the vote in each chamber, it would be placed on the ballot in the November 2022 statewide election. If 66% of the voters choose to accept the amendment into the NH Constitution, it would immediately be added to our state’s governing document, and the Live Free or Die State would officially sever all ties with Washington DC, becoming a self-governing nation-state.