The Age of Mandates
ow should society ultimately deal with the people who don’t take government/employer-mandated pharmaceuticals?
ow should society ultimately deal with the people who don’t take government/employer-mandated pharmaceuticals?
It is a disturbing sign of how far the healthcare system has fallen from its grounding principles when healthcare organizations strip their employees of one of the primary rights of patients, the right of self-determination.
After being forced to wear improper PPE, being barricaded behind glass, and supposedly risking our lives at the office, while upper management worked comfortably from home, we were then told that white people had to atone for their sins of abusing black people.
After successfully publishing six books with Amazon/KDP, my book about corona-fascism was just blocked by Amazon a few hours after I submitted it for review. I wonder why!!
Do national ambitions negatively affect State officials? In the wonderful discussion we had with Daniel Miller, the president of the Texas Nationalist Movement on Liberty Block’s EJS podcast (December 30, 2020), every question posed to him was answered to my satisfaction. One of his assertions may not have gotten the Read more…
In the opinion of this writer, it is not necessary to believe that the experiment of the United States and its Constitution was a failure to believe that it no longer works. Everything lasts until it doesn’t. America was not a failure. It merely succeeded until it didn’t. It is Read more…
The following letter was posted to Facebook by a pro-liberty user who could no longer tolerate the leftist machine that undermines their beliefs: An open letter/statement to my Republican, conservative, and non-Marxist friends about why I am leaving Facebook: In recent weeks, countless posts from my Republican and conservative friends Read more…
Harris was a big fan of cheap prison labor (read: slavery) when she was Attorney General of California. It gets worse. Harris withheld evidence that would have exonerated innocent prisoners on death row.
First, you are fairly certain that you have done nothing wrong and violated no law. You know that you have a natural right to carry your firearm
Many media outlets on both the Left and Right have been scorning the fact that Jeff Bezos’s net worth has increased so rapidly during the Lockdown period. Don’t be one of them.