Rebuttal To Anti-Independence Letter By State Rep.

The legislation that would allow New Hampshire voters to cast a ballot in favor of independence has been assigned to the House Federal-State Relations Committee. One member of that committee has sent a frantic letter to his colleagues begging them to oppose the legislation and prevent the people from having a chance to vote on whether to become a self-governing state no longer bound to DC politicians.

Rittenhouse photo

Alu’s Thoughts On The Rittenhouse Case

During the BLM riots in the summer of 2020, an armed citizen was attacked by violent rioters, and he defended himself successfully. Kyle Rittenhouse used his firearm to repel three attackers, killing two of them and injuring a third. The white BLM rioters all had disturbing criminal histories, and threatened, chased, and physically attacked the armed teen before being shot. At least one of the attackers had a pistol and raised it to Rittenhouse before being shot. Rittenhouse demonstrated exemplary trigger and muzzle discipline, far exceeding what we’ve come to expect from American law enforcement officers, who often fire dozens of rounds at peaceful people, shoot the wrong people, and handle their firearms with extreme carelessness. 

Finally! Large Majority of Americans Agree On This ONE Thing!

Many people likely believe that the united states could be placed back on the right track if their preferred rulers are elected. However, an increasing amount of people are warming up to the idea of the united states breaking up into two, three, or fifty sovereign nations. A recent poll found that more than half of Trump voters support secession and nearly half of Biden voters support secession. 


The Liberty Block and its members are increasingly being mentioned and interviewed by large media outlets! Axelman quoted in WMUR article about corona-fascism and vaccine mandates The Liberty Block quoted in World News Daily article on NH Independence bill The Liberty Block quoted in The Western Journal Sylvia & Axelman […]

Nine NH Legislators Submit Legislation To Divorce DC; Declare Independence

On Monday afternoon, New Hampshire Representative Mike Sylvia officially submitted language to the Office Of Legislative Services for a constitutional amendment concurrent resolution (CACR). If the amendment passes the House and Senate with 60% of the vote in each chamber, it would be placed on the ballot in the November 2022 statewide election. If 66% of the voters choose to accept the amendment into the NH Constitution, it would immediately be added to our state’s governing document, and the Live Free or Die State would officially sever all ties with Washington DC, becoming a self-governing nation-state.