Healthcare In The Republic of New Hampshire

“What would healthcare look like in an independent New Hampshire once we leave the union?”, a middle-aged woman asked from the crowd during the press conference for CACR32. I have been asked this question many times over the past few months, and it is a fair concern. Let’s explore what healthcare in the Republic of New Hampshire may look like after the inevitable collapse of DC and the union.

Legislation Would Allow Non-Midwives To Regulate Them

Midwifery is an ancient profession, providing care for women during pregnancy and birth. Midwifery being under attack is nothing new. Obstetricians, hospitals, and big pharma have been over-medicalizing the natural process of birth for over 100 years now. Many people are led to believe that birth with a midwife is dangerous and that they would be safer in a hospital. For low-risk women, the opposite is actually true.

How to Smuggle Insulin

Anyone who follows Bernie Sanders on Twitter knows that he’s always ranting and raving about how expensive insulin is in the united states. But while he’s pushing a government takeover of all private businesses, ‘Medicare for all’, or some sort of price-capping regulation, I have a better idea.