Free Staters, Liberty Reps Scoring Big Wins In NH House

Over the past few weeks, the New Hampshire House has considered dozens of bills. Republicans currently hold a 206-183 majority, with roughly 100 of those Republicans being ‘libertarian’. Over the past few years, thousands of libertarians have moved from authoritarian states to enjoy its unrivaled freedoms and to help the state resist the shift away from liberty that is consuming the rest of the union.

What I Learned From My First Trip to the State House

I went to the New Hampshire State House for the first time on March 10th to support a constitutional amendment called CACR32. I handed out an informative flier to state reps and then sat in the gallery and watched the house session. What I learned about this strange cult shocked me. There were three things I thought were true before that day that turned out not to be true at all.

The Next Civil War

In January of 2022, Stephen Marche published a book about the inevitable breakup of the union. In writing ‘The Next Civil War’ he clearly conducted extensive research into right wing and left wing ideologies, and the history, legality, and practicality of secession. Personally, I think that the book was fantastic and accurately described the current powder-keg situation within the united states.

Did Anti-Independence Reps Break The Law?

Not one anti-independence legislator has ever agreed to debate the question of NH Independence. If they believe in their cause so strongly, why are they afraid to publicly defend their stance? The anti-liberty legislators knew that independence had a large amount of support among people and legislators. So, they utilized all the tools at their disposal to ensure that no legislators could vote in favor of the legislation, even if some of those methods are legally questionable. 

BREAKING: NH House Kills Legislation To Allow Citizens To Vote In Independence

The Democrats opposed the motion to table CACR32, because they wanted every pro-independence legislator on record supporting separation from the union. The motion did fail, and there was a roll call vote on the ITL motion, which would kill the bill. All representatives except for 13 voted to kill the bill. The majority of legislators essentially voted against letting the people vote on whether to separate from their abusers in DC.