Counting Our Victories
I have witnessed a movement grow from a rag-tag handful of freedom fighters holding flags in front of Dartmouth Hitchcock Lebanon to fifteen hundred people from all walks of life flooding the streets of Concord.
I have witnessed a movement grow from a rag-tag handful of freedom fighters holding flags in front of Dartmouth Hitchcock Lebanon to fifteen hundred people from all walks of life flooding the streets of Concord.
mandated medical procedures, in an effort led by Health Freedom New Hampshire. Afterward, marchers gathered at the steps of the statehouse for a live music performance by Becca Myari and to rally around multiple pro-liberty speakers.
Emergency Order #65 seemingly authorized law enforcement agents to enter any property without a warrant or consent of the owner, as long as it was for a reason related to corona-fascism. “We’re going to have our enforcement teams out there”, said Sununu.
They seem to assume that those who believe the US is a socialist nation like China must be stupid or anti-liberty.
If you oppose this bill, you are a bigot and must be shamed and cancelled. If you mention that this bill would make men more expensive to employ, you are just a greedy capitalist criminal who discriminates against protected classes
This bill would force businesses to spend money on acquiring more rooms in their property for women, which would cost them money. It would also cost the business money due to paying an employee who is not working and producing value.
It only took a quick glance at this horrible legislation to find some massive problems. The bill says that “No officer or employee of a state agency shall use facial recognition technology to engage in ongoing surveillance…”
House Bill 403 would allow people to refill their beer growlers at bars that did not originally sell them the growler. Apparently, doing so is currently a crime in New Hampshire.
Sadly, politicians have chipped away at our economic and personal freedoms for decades, and we now find it nearly impossible to work in any type of industry without first getting ‘permission’ from our lords.
Why are four Democrat Representatives proposing a bill which makes women less employable? Aren’t they the party of the working women?