Anniversary of the Downfall of the Dollar

Today marks the 109th anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve on December 23, 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. The financial insiders rejoice this holiday season, as they have every Christmas Eve for the last 109 years, congratulating themselves on their stupendous fortunes and looking forward to a prosperous new year!

Federal Tyrants Give Florida One More Reason To Secede

In The united states, the powers to make laws reside with the State governments. The US Constitution grants a few specific powers to the federal government; the power to have a navy, a Supreme Court, the power to coin money, and a select few others. Article 1, Section 8 outlines the powers delegated to the federal government. No part of the Constitution gives the federal government the power to control education

Liberty Block Founder Publishes 6th Book, ‘Taxation Is Theft’ Becomes #1 New Release!

The latest book, titled ‘Taxation Is Theft’ delves into the history of taxation in the united states, the types of taxes, the hidden taxes, and how politicians spend all that tax money. The final section explains how we can easily and practically eliminate taxation using simple programs that already exist (and no, it’s not the ‘there is no law that says we need to pay taxes’ argument). 

Why Liberty Is Winning In New Hampshire

Contrary to the trend found throughout the united states and in most each individual city and states, liberty is winning in New Hampshire. The ‘Live Free or Die’ state is already ranked #1 in freedom by the CATO and Frazier institutes. And its libertarian citizens and activists will continue to diminish government powers and strengthen individual rights with each passing day. Here are the top reasons we can confidently make this assertion: