Legislation Could Trigger New Hampshire Secession Before 2030

Legislation filed by Representative Jason Gerhard (R-Northfield) would place a question on the ballot for the voters of New Hampshire. If approved by two thirds of voters, the New Hampshire Constitution would be amended to say that the state will declare independence if the federal government accrues a debt of $40 trillion. As of 10/13, the US debt is $33.5 trillion. In 2020, the debt was under $27 trillion. 

Breaking: Dictator Lujan-Grisham Bans Guns To Flatten Curve of Deaths

In response to a fatal shooting of a child, the Dictator of New Mexico announced Friday that she is banning the open and concealed carrying of firearms for the next 30 days in Bernalillo County, where Albuquerque is located. The Democrat declared gun violence to be a public health emergency and announced that she was banning open and concealed carry in Bernalillo County for 30 days. You can rest assured knowing that this policy definitely won’t continue for longer than that. 

Feds Increase Monthly Payments By Nearly $1,000

In response to the horrendous monetary inflation by the federal government, the geniuses in DC have caused another major issue without significantly addressing inflation. As The Liberty Block has reported numerous times, the vast majority of all dollars ever printed in history were created over the past three years. Each dollar created by the Federal Reserve dilutes the purchasing power of the dollars in your wallet, bank account, and investment funds. On a simple level, doubling the amount of dollars in circulation cuts the value of each of your dollars in half. 

The Case For The Depopulation Agenda

I have long argued against the ‘conspiracy theorists’ who believed that the elites wished to cull the world’s population by drastic numbers. Many of my libertarian, conservative, and voluntaryist colleagues believe that the top politicians, bankers, and powerbrokers in the world want to decrease the amount of humans by billions. I have consistently argued that it would be illogical for the elites to reduce the number of sheep and tax slaves they control. Here, I will present some evidence in favor of the theory.

The Conservatarian Exchange Podcast #160

SCOTUS ruling on independent state legislature theory, imposing judicial review on powers seemingly given exclusively to State Legislatures; if Trump’s nominations to SCOTUS have disappointed, is that partially the fault of the Federalist Society? The IRS whistleblowers vs DOJ; is the left trying to dump Biden for 2024? How much accuracy is there to the polls showing Trump so far ahead of Desantis? Should Desantis attack Trump’s failures more and will that help to connect to voters more?

Alu’s Ninth Book Takes Aim At Gun Control – Now #1 New Release!

After years of writing about other liberty issues, Alu finally decided that it was time to address gun rights in a book. He figured that if he was going to write a book about the topic, it should be as simple as possible and so easy to digest that any child who can read could comprehend the book’s simple points. As he did with his last book, Alu borrowed from Ian Underwood’s ‘Bare Minimum Books’ style when crafting this book.