Breaking: Republicans File Articles of Impeachment Against Biden

Biden may be the least popular president in history. Only 46% of Americans approve of his actions, according to a left-leaning publication poll. In my experience, around 98% of Americans hate Biden and consider him to be evil. For the first time in history, YouTube has had to resort to deleting ‘dislikes’ (thumbs-downs) on YouTube videos featuring the career politician.

Nine NH Legislators Submit Legislation To Divorce DC; Declare Independence

On Monday afternoon, New Hampshire Representative Mike Sylvia officially submitted language to the Office Of Legislative Services for a constitutional amendment concurrent resolution (CACR). If the amendment passes the House and Senate with 60% of the vote in each chamber, it would be placed on the ballot in the November 2022 statewide election. If 66% of the voters choose to accept the amendment into the NH Constitution, it would immediately be added to our state’s governing document, and the Live Free or Die State would officially sever all ties with Washington DC, becoming a self-governing nation-state. 

Gun grab of 2021 (1)

Nullification of Anti-Gun Executive Orders

Senate Bill 154 is currently being deliberated in the judiciary committee of the NH Senate. If the bill ultimately passes, it would prohibit state and local police from enforcing any Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of people to keep and bear arms. A proposed amendment to the bill would expand it to also nullify state enforcement of gun control passed via federal legislation.